* Its Tuesday, my one day off through the week... it's usually filled with banks and laundry and errands.... which reminds me, I need to go buy my mom a Birthday card and get it in the mail today.... So today not being different than any other Tuesday.. it started out with a dentist appointment this morning.... my gums are a little sore but I'm alive so that's a good sign.... went by my old work place and visited some old friends and then indulged in Burger King... sans Coke, which only seemed right considering I had just left the dentist chair where my tooth was drilled on for 45 minutes because of my love affair with said Coke... so instead I drank water. Yum?
-My new tattoo is finally starting to itch which is a welcomed annoyance because it means the tattoo is one step closer to being completely healed... I'm very happy with the outcome and am also very ready for it to be healed so i can get back to tanning. Ahhh that would be a nice treat... suppose I should probably give it a few more days though. Argh.

-Finally took some of my hard earned money and bought myself a present for making a 4.0 GPA this semester in school... It was expensive and pointless, but i suppose that makes it even better... sometimes I just have to spend money... I feel like I work so much and if all i ever did with that money was pay bills and save it... i think i would go crazy.
- Went to Barnes & Noble this morning, figured it was about time to start studying for the exam that inadvertently holds my future within its non-existent hands... I need to make the appointment... suppose the money spent on above indulgence would have been better spent on the Praxis exam fees.... 'ehhhhh forget about it'
- Ive drank my weight in this stuff the past two days... and have been popping tums like breath mints... Yuck.
- T-28 days until we have to be out of our apartment... that i have lived in for 2 years... bittersweet might have been a more appropriate caption... so until June 30th....
Well.... in honor of my day off (as mentioned earlier) I believe I will finish watching the sappy chick flick I just put in and possibly take a nap...
* Happy Trails.
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