... they hold this stature of a figure.
They are the only thing that keep my feet on ground.
Just as God showed Ezekiel when He breathed life into dry bones and brought back life to those who had forsaken Him; we all have been given the chance to live again.
Why is it that as humans we have such a hard time grasping on to the belief of 'anything' religious? How have we gotten to the point where any mention of God, Jesus, or the Bible is politically incorrect?
I dont believe any person is wrong or right with what they believe, I have my opinions of what i believe is truth just as anyone else does.
But how is it that someone who does believe in God (and all that it implies) is looked down upon for holding to their faith and wanting to talk about it? How is it O.K that i pay to sit in a classroom and be taught philosophys from all over the world, but Christianity is never taught as a possibility?
I don't agree with what i call "throat pushers"; people who cram religion down your throat, and i don't agree with telling people they re going to hell because I feel like no one but God can justly say that.
I just get very frustrated at people who are so quick to say "Well i just cant believe in Christianity, I was never taught that as a child." or "It just doesn't make sense to me, I don't believe in things that cant be proven."
I just wish that people would research Christianity, and make a decision for themselves instead of letting society make it for them. If its not for you than fine, that's your decision to make...
...just don't claim to be "too open-minded" to believe in something that you re "too closed-minded" to research...
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