... I do however want to share some beautiful Arkansas Fall pictures. There are a lot of things about living in the 'Bible' belt South that can be frustrating at times, but the beautiful landscaping of this state is definitely not one of them.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford
... I'm a horrible blogger. I'll admit that now. I dont do a great job at keeping up, time just doesnt allow it, i'm afraid. I'm the same way with planners and diaries/journals... I buy them with the best of intentions but time gets the best of me.
... I do however want to share some beautiful Arkansas Fall pictures. There are a lot of things about living in the 'Bible' belt South that can be frustrating at times, but the beautiful landscaping of this state is definitely not one of them.

... I do however want to share some beautiful Arkansas Fall pictures. There are a lot of things about living in the 'Bible' belt South that can be frustrating at times, but the beautiful landscaping of this state is definitely not one of them.
Monday, August 23, 2010
So this is Goodbye// William Fitzsimmons
The thing never now, were you
You're gone and I won't see you anymore
You left my love on the run
And said that you were leaving
And you won't come home again
And I'll miss you like you're dead
But I never got to grieve you
Cause I saw you In the arms of someone else
So your phantom follows me Like a child would his mother
Or a lover who never said goodbye
It's only saying goodbye
And I cry myself to sleep
And you thought I was happy
I was lonely
Had nowhere to go
And I heard that you moved on
Found a brand new family
And changed your married name
And everything has changed
And I'll miss you like you're dead
And find a way to grieve you
Cause I need to try and start again
And your ghost will have to leave, Like a child would his mother
Or a lover Who has to say goodbye
It's always say goodbye
You're gone and I won't see you anymore
You left my love on the run
And said that you were leaving
And you won't come home again
And I'll miss you like you're dead
But I never got to grieve you
Cause I saw you In the arms of someone else
So your phantom follows me Like a child would his mother
Or a lover who never said goodbye
It's only saying goodbye
And I cry myself to sleep
And you thought I was happy
I was lonely
Had nowhere to go
And I heard that you moved on
Found a brand new family
And changed your married name
And everything has changed
And I'll miss you like you're dead
And find a way to grieve you
Cause I need to try and start again
And your ghost will have to leave, Like a child would his mother
Or a lover Who has to say goodbye
It's always say goodbye
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It's a joyous thing, really...
... I have successfully worked a shift without ANY lower back pain and without the help of any pain meds!!! No sharp pains, no nausea because of my back hurting so much, no need to sit down to make it through the day... NOTHING!! What a glorious feeling!! I just want to kiss and hug my chiropractor to death!!
We went over my X-rays yesterday and I was told that my spine looks great! No signs of arthritis and everything looked aligned properly, he said my spine has a perfect curve and the only problems he saw was in one of my lover vertebra, it was slightly tilted and he doesn't believe there is any reason it cant be corrected soon. What a blessing!! I can't even remember the last day i've gone without my back hurting while participating in daily activities!
I'm instructed to sit on ice 2-3 times a day to help the inflammation in the right side of my lower back and to do stretches 2-3 times a day. I have another appointment Thursday and I cant wait to tell him the good news! He's a miracle worker! LOL!
On another happy note, my mister and I are headed to Branson next week!! I've been bugging him for WEEKS to give me some dates so we can go on a trip together before school starts. This will be the first time in the 16 months that we have been dating that we have done something ALONE. Any time we take a trip we always have family with us or Hayden. In fact, this will be the first time that we have ever spent an entire day without one of us working or going to school or having Hayden. I cant wait!!! As much as I love Hayden and our families and am grateful for a good job and the ability to receive an education... I CANT WAIT to have my mister all to myself. It is long overdue and desperately needed!!
Fall classes start in apprx one month and I am SOOOOOOO ready!! I am so excited to get back into the classroom and start on my final 2 years. I'll actually be taking classes that will benefit me in my career and I'll also be in the classroom every Friday observing! And honestly, I'm a bit excited about the fact that i'll only be working weekends! Due to my sporadic and hectic class schedule the next two years I'm only able to work Friday nights through Sunday mornings, thankfully God has provided (as He always does) enough extra money for me to be able to afford to do that... I've always worked 4-6 days a week + being in classes full time... it will be a nice relief and unless I start to get lazy or bored, I plan on sticking to the 3 day work schedule all semester.
I have realized over the past few years of working 30 hours a week and going to school full time that it keeps me on track, it helps keep me motivated and I tend to do better in school (keeping a 3.7 GPA or above). I'm hoping the lax schedule this year wont hinder any of that motivation...
Well here's to the ending of summer rapidly approaching and to a new season of life!!
We went over my X-rays yesterday and I was told that my spine looks great! No signs of arthritis and everything looked aligned properly, he said my spine has a perfect curve and the only problems he saw was in one of my lover vertebra, it was slightly tilted and he doesn't believe there is any reason it cant be corrected soon. What a blessing!! I can't even remember the last day i've gone without my back hurting while participating in daily activities!
I'm instructed to sit on ice 2-3 times a day to help the inflammation in the right side of my lower back and to do stretches 2-3 times a day. I have another appointment Thursday and I cant wait to tell him the good news! He's a miracle worker! LOL!
On another happy note, my mister and I are headed to Branson next week!! I've been bugging him for WEEKS to give me some dates so we can go on a trip together before school starts. This will be the first time in the 16 months that we have been dating that we have done something ALONE. Any time we take a trip we always have family with us or Hayden. In fact, this will be the first time that we have ever spent an entire day without one of us working or going to school or having Hayden. I cant wait!!! As much as I love Hayden and our families and am grateful for a good job and the ability to receive an education... I CANT WAIT to have my mister all to myself. It is long overdue and desperately needed!!
Fall classes start in apprx one month and I am SOOOOOOO ready!! I am so excited to get back into the classroom and start on my final 2 years. I'll actually be taking classes that will benefit me in my career and I'll also be in the classroom every Friday observing! And honestly, I'm a bit excited about the fact that i'll only be working weekends! Due to my sporadic and hectic class schedule the next two years I'm only able to work Friday nights through Sunday mornings, thankfully God has provided (as He always does) enough extra money for me to be able to afford to do that... I've always worked 4-6 days a week + being in classes full time... it will be a nice relief and unless I start to get lazy or bored, I plan on sticking to the 3 day work schedule all semester.
I have realized over the past few years of working 30 hours a week and going to school full time that it keeps me on track, it helps keep me motivated and I tend to do better in school (keeping a 3.7 GPA or above). I'm hoping the lax schedule this year wont hinder any of that motivation...
Well here's to the ending of summer rapidly approaching and to a new season of life!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Summertime and the livings easy...
Ohhh the joys of summer!! Sleeping in, watching movies into ungodly hours of the night, tanning, the lake, pool time, water parks, free time for reading, more time for friends and family, and best of all??? -- NO SCHOOL, NO HOMEWORK, and NO STUDYING!! w00t, w00t!!
I'm sad to say there is only one month left of these glorious lazy days... I will miss getting to spend so much time at my new home with my mister and lil' stink pot. I am however, excited about getting into my last two years of school and my first block of education classes. It's both liberating and terrifying to think that I only have 2 years of school left until I will be pushed into the 'real' world and forced to interact with 'adults'.... blah. Maybe i'll just stay in school forever. Hmmmmm.
Unfortunately I havent taken any awesome summer trips or gone to any cool countries these past two months... I went to Heber for the fourth of July with the mister and his mom and stink pot. We met up with my parents and a couple they are friends with. My parents rented out a 13 person cabin on the little red river with a pool literally in the front yard. It was a blast! Stink pot didn't get out of the pool for more then 20 minutes the WHOLE day! He's such a water baby!!!

My mister and me!!

The bunkhouse we stayed in, it was so comfy!!
I'm sad to say there is only one month left of these glorious lazy days... I will miss getting to spend so much time at my new home with my mister and lil' stink pot. I am however, excited about getting into my last two years of school and my first block of education classes. It's both liberating and terrifying to think that I only have 2 years of school left until I will be pushed into the 'real' world and forced to interact with 'adults'.... blah. Maybe i'll just stay in school forever. Hmmmmm.
Unfortunately I havent taken any awesome summer trips or gone to any cool countries these past two months... I went to Heber for the fourth of July with the mister and his mom and stink pot. We met up with my parents and a couple they are friends with. My parents rented out a 13 person cabin on the little red river with a pool literally in the front yard. It was a blast! Stink pot didn't get out of the pool for more then 20 minutes the WHOLE day! He's such a water baby!!!

My mister and me!!

The bunkhouse we stayed in, it was so comfy!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
April Showers... bring May movers!
Ya know, its not for the lack of something to say that I dont update this blog. It's quite to opposite really... I often have too much to say and don't know how to narrow it down or organize it in a way that would be worth you reading... if 'you' even really exists.
The Spring semester is winding down quickly and i'm welcoming it with open arms! This is my last semester of remedial courses and i just have 2 years left!! I'm so ready to graduate and have my own classroom!!
In other exciting news, the mister and I are moving in May!!! We found an adorable 2 bedroom house in Roland for us and the little munchkin... (who just turned 2 by the way!!) It's both exciting and a bit unnerving to be making such a large leap, in one sense its comforting to feel as though i have another person fighting on my side who lays his head next to me every night. I feel like for so long now i've been fighting the fight on my own... dealing with the stresses of work, school, family, friendships, bills, and money on my own... and its a comforting feeling knowing someone is there to share those stresses with me & someone who is there to help relieve some of those stresses. On another hand its a bit scary to be making this leap... even though I love him as much as I do, it's a big leap that we're making and i'm sure this road will be bumpy at times but we have faith in our love and hopefully the common sense to know when we should keep our mouths shut. =-)
I'll make sure to put up some pics of our cute home when we get settled in!
Much love,
The Spring semester is winding down quickly and i'm welcoming it with open arms! This is my last semester of remedial courses and i just have 2 years left!! I'm so ready to graduate and have my own classroom!!
In other exciting news, the mister and I are moving in May!!! We found an adorable 2 bedroom house in Roland for us and the little munchkin... (who just turned 2 by the way!!) It's both exciting and a bit unnerving to be making such a large leap, in one sense its comforting to feel as though i have another person fighting on my side who lays his head next to me every night. I feel like for so long now i've been fighting the fight on my own... dealing with the stresses of work, school, family, friendships, bills, and money on my own... and its a comforting feeling knowing someone is there to share those stresses with me & someone who is there to help relieve some of those stresses. On another hand its a bit scary to be making this leap... even though I love him as much as I do, it's a big leap that we're making and i'm sure this road will be bumpy at times but we have faith in our love and hopefully the common sense to know when we should keep our mouths shut. =-)
I'll make sure to put up some pics of our cute home when we get settled in!
Much love,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Time to update this popsicle stand..
Well hello there 2010... It's nice to meet you. I hope we have a lot of fun together this year!
My trip to Minnesota for New Years was great, but there's no place like home... I must admit. It was wonderful to spend some quality time with my brother and his girl friend Allison... it was also comforting to spend time with friends from High School... which seems like such a long time ago... even though it wasn't.
Spring 2010 semester has commenced.. surprisingly well. I'm taking Concepts of Geometry (an education class), Cultural Anthropology, Teaching People Other Cultures, and an Integrated Science course (also an education class). My science class is already causing me to curse it silently... it seems to be making its way into my 'dread' list already; a list that I pride myself on keeping short. It's a Saturday morning class from 8:30am to 12:30pm and is followed by working 3-9pm which makes for one long day! I've never been a fan of Science, though I do find Earth Science and Biology extremely interesting. However, once you throw math into the mix, count me out please. I request much prayer for patience and understanding for this class!! lol
Life outside of work, school, and my mister is pretty much non-existent... I don't have much time for anything else. I find myself using my free time for crazy things like sleeping, eating, and doing laundry. I hate that I don't have more time for friends and family but I keep reminding myself this is something I HAVE to do and that one day it will pay off. Yes... pay off indeed... pay off by working long hours with screaming/hormonal preteens, dealing with over zealous administrators, and taking home not much more money than i make now as a part time waitress at a burger joint... I honestly cant wait. =-)
I dont believe in making new years resolutions but I will list some things i WONT do this year:
* I wont diet or worry about my weight in any form.
* I wont worry about others perceptions of me..... as much.
* I wont dwell on a relationship that should have ended 2 years sooner than it did.
* I wont spend more time interacting with the digital world than the real one.
* I wont spend more time watching TV and/or Facebooking than I will studying/doing homework.
* I wont limit my reading to only required text.. I wont feel bad indulging in mindless, pointless novels and murder mysteries.
* I wont let anyone make me feel belittled or unimportant based on things that i'm not.
Here is to a bright future year that I hope is full of happiness, health, success, and peace.
My trip to Minnesota for New Years was great, but there's no place like home... I must admit. It was wonderful to spend some quality time with my brother and his girl friend Allison... it was also comforting to spend time with friends from High School... which seems like such a long time ago... even though it wasn't.
Spring 2010 semester has commenced.. surprisingly well. I'm taking Concepts of Geometry (an education class), Cultural Anthropology, Teaching People Other Cultures, and an Integrated Science course (also an education class). My science class is already causing me to curse it silently... it seems to be making its way into my 'dread' list already; a list that I pride myself on keeping short. It's a Saturday morning class from 8:30am to 12:30pm and is followed by working 3-9pm which makes for one long day! I've never been a fan of Science, though I do find Earth Science and Biology extremely interesting. However, once you throw math into the mix, count me out please. I request much prayer for patience and understanding for this class!! lol
Life outside of work, school, and my mister is pretty much non-existent... I don't have much time for anything else. I find myself using my free time for crazy things like sleeping, eating, and doing laundry. I hate that I don't have more time for friends and family but I keep reminding myself this is something I HAVE to do and that one day it will pay off. Yes... pay off indeed... pay off by working long hours with screaming/hormonal preteens, dealing with over zealous administrators, and taking home not much more money than i make now as a part time waitress at a burger joint... I honestly cant wait. =-)
I dont believe in making new years resolutions but I will list some things i WONT do this year:
* I wont diet or worry about my weight in any form.
* I wont worry about others perceptions of me..... as much.
* I wont dwell on a relationship that should have ended 2 years sooner than it did.
* I wont spend more time interacting with the digital world than the real one.
* I wont spend more time watching TV and/or Facebooking than I will studying/doing homework.
* I wont limit my reading to only required text.. I wont feel bad indulging in mindless, pointless novels and murder mysteries.
* I wont let anyone make me feel belittled or unimportant based on things that i'm not.
Here is to a bright future year that I hope is full of happiness, health, success, and peace.
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