... goodbye.
It seems people, like seasons, seem to rotate in and out of my life constantly.
With the holidays gone and life returning to normal, I'm left with a feeling of uncertainty that I've become familiar with. I've always had a general idea of what my purpose in life is, I've just never known whether I would be doing those things alone or with someone I love.
... I think I've realized it doesn't really matter.
Explaining to someone that despite how much you love them, you love yourself more... and in loving yourself you've realized whats best is to no longer be with that person, is heartbreaking. Dealing with the selfish feeling you're left with after that conversation is excruciating. I'm refusing to play the pity card and feel the deep grieving I so badly want to feel because I'm afraid of what it would do to my logical thinking. Never in my life have I so desperately NOT wanted to feel so sure about something.
"And I'll miss you like you're dead
And find a way to grieve you
Cause I need to try and start again
And your ghost will have to leave, Like a child would his mother
Or a lover Who has to say goodbye"